亚马逊在加拿大推出“Amazon Counter”!设立新的包裹取货点!buy IG fans cheap,ssm followers,IG reseller panel
#site_name#获悉,据外媒报道,近日亚马逊宣布在加拿大推出Amazon Counter,一个专门为客户提供取货点的新网络系统。
据报道,通过Amazon Counter,亚马逊将在加拿大各地设立数百个取货点,并计划在2022年进行大规模扩充。
报道称,在亚马逊加拿大站上出售的商品都可以送到Amazon Counter的取货点,配合一日达、两日达运输服务,尽早让货物完成交付,并且不需要额外费用。
亚马逊加拿大 经理Mike Strauch表示,Amazon Counter利用 新的技术,能为消费者带来更快、更简单的包裹取件体验。同时,这也是公司支持加拿大企业发展的表现,其将能够很好地吸引新消费群体。
Mike Strauch, manager of Amazon Canada, said that Amazon counter can bring consumers a faster and simpler package pick-up experience by using new technologies. At the same time, this is also the performance of the company's support for the development of Canadian enterprises, which will be able to attract new consumer IG fans cheap,ssm followers,IG reseller panel
#site_name#了解到,新取货点设立在商店,都是亚马逊的合作伙伴。目前,卡尔加里已设有20个。亚马逊将继续在加拿大全国范围内扩大Amazon Counter包裹取货网络,并积极与更多企业进行合作,推动该网络的发展。
#site_ Name # learned that the new pick-up points are set up in stores and are all partners of Amazon. At present, Calgary has 20. Amazon will continue to expand its Amazon counter package pickup network across Canada and actively cooperate with more enterprises to promote the development of the IG fans cheap,ssm followers,IG reseller panel
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