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We all want to be an excellent foreign trade elite, but also think that we can achieve our dream of one million. Then, it is impossible to fight customers alone, and it is ineffective to persuade foreigners without skills. Therefore, it is essential to master some marketing skills. To do a good job in foreign trade business, xiaomango came up with the following four points:buy ins likes paypal,buy 100 followers cheap




现在外贸竞争这么激烈,不仅仅要跟我们大 的兄弟姐妹竞争,还得跟其它 的人竞争。如果你只是简单的向顾客重复产品卖点,显然是不行了!怎么样才能让顾客记住你,记住你的产品,你必须做到让客户离不开你,让他感受到你切实带给他的利益。



外贸业务就是一个整合资源的过程,如何合理利用各种资源,对销售业绩的帮助不可小视。我们经常在街头碰到骗子实施诈骗,其中一般都有一个角色—就是俗称的托,他的重要作用就是烘托气氛,让你信任。那么,外贸的 好的托是谁呢,duangduangduang,那就是我们的领导啦。当我们谈判陷入僵局的时候,或者价格谈不拢的情况下,我通常都会搬出我的经理甚至是老板出面。一来表明我确实很重视他,领导都出面了,二来谈判起来比较方便,只要领导这边再让利一点,老外一般都会买单的!


外贸业务 直接的目的就是接单,一切不以订单为结果的过程都是在耍流氓。业务 怕的就是拖泥带水,不当机立断。在老外已有购买意愿时不能抓住机会促成销售,仍然在喋喋不休地介绍产品,结果导致了销售的失败。所以,一定要牢记我们的使命,就是促成销售!不管你是介绍产品也好,还是做别的什么努力, 终都为了销售产品。所以,只要嗅到了老外有成交的意愿时,一定要马上调整思路,尝试缔约。一旦错失良机,要再度钩起顾客的欲望就比较困难了,这也是刚入门的外贸新人 容易犯的错误。

The most direct purpose of foreign trade business is to receive orders. All processes that do not result from orders are playing hooligans. What business is most afraid of is procrastination and making a decision without the opportunity. When foreigners have the intention to buy, they can't seize the opportunity to promote sales, and are still talking about products, resulting in the failure of sales. Therefore, we must bear in mind that our mission is to promote sales! Whether you introduce the products or make other efforts, it is ultimately to sell the products. Therefore, as long as you smell the willingness of foreigners to make a deal, you must immediately adjust your thinking and try to sign a contract. Once a good opportunity is missed, it is more difficult to hook up the desire of customers again, which is also the most easy mistake for newcomers to foreign trade.buy ins likes paypal,buy 100 followers cheap
