亚马逊品牌收购赛道融资频出!又有两家公司获新融资Instagram subscribers buy cheap
#site_ Name# learned that heros from the UK and powerhouse91 from India recently announced the completion of a new round of financing. Both companies focus on acquiring third-party brands of Amazon and other platforms. Heros raised US $200 million in this financing. Powerhouse91 has not announced the fund-raising yet, but several world-renowned investors have participated.Instagram subscribers buy cheap
Heros它是英国 家亚马逊品牌收购公司,于2020年11月推出,刚推出就获得了6500万美元的融资。新的融资资金CrayhillCapitalManagement?提供,将用于收购更多品牌。该公司目前收购的品牌包括婴儿、宠物、体育、个人健康、家庭和花园。
随着亚马逊品牌收购赛道愈来愈火热,多家品牌聚合商在今年宣布获得融资,包括SumaBrands(1.5亿美元)、ElevateBrands(2.5亿美元)、Perch(7.75亿美元)、Factory14(2亿美元)、Thrasio(目前可能是所有这些公司中规模 大、筹集资金和雄心勃勃的)、Heyday、TheRazorGroup、Branded、SellerX、柏林品牌集团(X2)、Benitago、拉丁美洲的Valoreo和Rainforest以及来自亚洲的UnaBrands等。
At the same time, the industry is getting closer to such a phenomenon. The increase of Amazon brand acquisition companies is almost the same as the increase of the number of Amazon third-party brands. However, at present, this market is still far from saturation, and these companies are not very interested in surpassing their competitors, because Amazon's huge third-party brand group provides sufficient opportunities for these companies.Instagram subscribers buy cheap
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