
海外版“舞动奇迹”风靡英国!带火了eBay这些产品!how to host on IG,free instagram like

#site_name#获悉,近日在英国热播的“舞动奇迹”(Strictly Come Dancing)比舞节目即将在本周六迎来决赛。eBay Ads UK的研究显示,自开播以来,该节目每一集所出现的表演服装以及品牌产品都掀起了粉丝的搜索热潮。




  • 紧身连体裤:28%
  • 粉色连衣裙:161%
  • 燕尾服:73%
  • 舞会礼服:75%
  • 踢踏鞋:31%


此外,在去年的半决赛中,男性消费者对“芭蕾舞鞋”的搜索量与前 相比激增了75%,而女性的搜索量则增加了44%。在今年的开幕秀中,男性购物者对“踢踏鞋”的搜索量比前 增加了173%,是女性搜索量(95%)的两倍。

In addition, in last year's semi-finals, male consumers' search volume for "ballet shoes" surged by 75% compared with the previous year, while women's search volume increased by 44%. In this year's opening show, the number of male shoppers searching for "tap shoes" increased by 173%, twice that of women (95%).how to host on IG,free instagram like



小编✎   Irene/#site_name#
